
diego martinelli

big facts

I'm a passionate developer from Italy. Relentless learner, renaissance man, super-genius and possibly pope of a yet to discover religion, I've worked on a broad set of areas during the years. Just keep me away from CSS and I'll be fine and productive. I actually enjoy working out of my comfort zone, so I get the chance to learn something new! Just no CSS, please...no CSS.

you can find me in some places...

  1. Mail
  2. GitHub
  3. Keybase
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Lichess (if you're up for a game!)

I've worked at...

  1. YOOX Net-A-Porter Group - (January 2016 - Present)
  2. e-Soft s.r.l. - (February 2006 - December 2015)

things I've contributed to...

  1. Factor - A practical stack language

open source things I've written...



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